
DrinkGuard™️ Stabilizers

Product Description: According to relevant laws and regulations, various emulsifiers and thickening stabilizer materials can be accurately formulated, weighed and mixed to effectively stabilize fat and protein and prevent delamination, flocculation and sedimentation.

DrinkGuard™️ Stabilizers
DrinkGuard™️ Stabilizers


It can effectively improve the tissue state of fermented milk, increase the viscosity and reduce the precipitation of whey.

Milk tea

Stabilizes fats and proteins to prevent delamination, flocculation and precipitation.


Stabilizes fats and proteins to prevent delamination, flocculation and precipitation.

DrinkGuard™️ Stabilizers
DrinkGuard™️ Stabilizers

Plant protein beverage

Stabilizes fats and proteins to prevent delamination, flocculation and precipitation. The palate is smooth and full.

Compound protein beverage

Stabilizes fats and proteins to prevent delamination, flocculation and precipitation. The palate is smooth and full.

Fruit and vegetable juice

It can effectively control product water separation, stratification, flocculation, sedimentation and so on. High transparency, suitable consistency, good temperature and acid resistance, and evenly suspended pulp.

Suggested addition amount: use in moderation according to production needs.

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