Activate the body’s energy metabolism, play a refreshing.
FoodColor™ Colorants: β-carotene, lutein, chlorophyll copper sodium salt ,etc.
FoodPre™️ Preservatives: Nisin, dimethyl dicarbonate, Ε-polylysine hydrochloride,etc.
Pequeños trozos de carne asada, carne reestructurada, mariscos.
Roast beef, restructured meat, seafood.
Use range: sausage products (sausage, hot dog, meatballs)
Foodzyme A is a group of amylases which can improve oven spring, softness and extensibility
Hemicellulase increase volume, tolerance, improve baking performance of flour
Protease used in the bakery to improve biscuits texture, improve processing characteristic and improve wafer texture.
Ingredientes principales: sucralosa, stevia, sorbitol, etc.
Main ingredients: Sucralose,Dextrose
MAIN INGREDIENTS:Monk fruit extract,Stevia,Sucralose,Erythritol